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 A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote

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A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote Empty
PostSubject: A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote   A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 22, 2008 3:07 am

A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote Epson_13

Japanese manufacturer has been pretty late to Jump into the NetBooks Wagon, and almost 1 year after ASUS, and due to declinning sales in Japan, Toshiba, NEC and now Epson are launching their Netbooks... The only problem, is that this devices are still running on XP and there are no Linux version and that their prices are MORE expensive than their counterparts in Europe or the USA... As for Sony? Well they so far argue that Netbooks are a race to the bottom...

Anyway back to Epson, where you are what we know about this future/up-coming Netbook, the MiniNote :

XP Home SP3
ATOM N270 (1.60GHz)
10.2” WSVGA screen (1024 x 600)
945GSE Express Video Chipset
1GB of PC2-5300 DDR2 SDRAM
160GB of SATA HDD at 5400rpm
Lan and Wifi b/g

Available in Japan middle / end of November

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Male Number of posts : 14
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A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote   A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 10:32 pm

atom xbest la..slow..
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A New Japanese Netbook from Epson, Behold the MiniNote
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