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 G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary

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3 posters

Male Number of posts : 997
Age : 36
Location : Japan/Akihabara
Job/hobbies : Technician
Registration date : 2008-10-10

G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary   G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2009 9:34 pm

G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Casio_10

Believe it or not but, G-Sock watches are celebrating (in 2008 ) their 25th anniversary, and all along last year Casio announced several limited edition of G-Sock watches... But today thanks to the talented designer Shiro Nakano, Casio is proud to display 3 figures using watches design.

G-Shock fans, pace yourself, these figures won’t be sold anytime soon...

G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Casio_11

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Number of posts : 172
Registration date : 2008-10-15

G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary   G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2009 10:55 am

hurm..aku da lebih setahun x pakai jam....
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Male Number of posts : 997
Age : 36
Location : Japan/Akihabara
Job/hobbies : Technician
Registration date : 2008-10-10

G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary   G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 1:12 am

samerlah kiter kah2 tengok kat enset jer...
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Number of posts : 172
Registration date : 2008-10-15

G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary   G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 6:55 pm

hehe..kite ade ciri2 yg same la..keh3..
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Male Number of posts : 14
Age : 37
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Job/hobbies : sedot ajer..
Registration date : 2008-11-03

G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary   G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2010 10:22 pm

aku pkai jam psr malam jer..spuloh ringgit satu..[b]
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G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary   G-Shock Figures, the final touch for the 25th G-Shock Anniversary I_icon_minitime

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